SEATTL METHOD: Soothing the Emotions After Trauma, Transition, or Loss
Our bodies can hold onto emotional stress, which can lead to fatigue, sleeplessness, chronic pain, and general malaise. In times of major life change or grief, or when working through past trauma, the mind and body are often guarded, anxious, hyper-vigilant, or just plain exhausted. The SEATTL Method is designed to help relieve some of that emotional stress from the physical body, and help you fell comforted, present and supported. It is a healing blend that only Lisa Young practices, based on concepts of somatic bodywork, and developed through Lisa’s 20+ years of work with clients and studying body-brain connections and “The Psychology o the Body”. Session usually include light to medium massage, along with energy work- Reiki, grounding techniques, rocking, gentle myofascial release (static holds and subtle stretches to encourage the connective tissue to let go of held patterns), and intuitive nurturing touch. The SEATTL Method is gentle and personalized approach that can help relieve physical pain, improve vitality, and help you regain confidence and calm in your body, mind and surroundings.